There Are No Do-Overs
By Phyllis Smith
Life isn't a game. There are no do-overs, just choices. Some are split-second choices, just like the surfer who chooses his wave and how he's going to ride it. Then there are the choices we give a lot of thought to like who we're going to marry, what job we're going to take and whether or not we want children. But mostly choices fall somewhere in the middle, and they happen all day long from the time we roll out of bed in the morning and decide whether or not to wash our hair, what we're going to eat throughout the day and what TV show we're going to watch.
The thing is there are so many choices. How do we make the right ones? Well, in my opinion, there are no right or wrong choices. They all feel right at the time, because of a combination of these things: The state of our mind, body, spirit and our emotional and psychological being. Our choices are made depending on the health of all of these human components.
Are we born with all of these things in tact? Well, let's just say we're born pure. The only experience we have is the one in the womb. All cozy and safe. Initially the choices are made for us. What we eat, who we play with, where we live, etc.. As soon as the choices become ours, that's where the fun, and the not-so-fun begins. The fun is that feeling of independence. The not-so-fun is when we make impulsive decisions that hurt us.
But since there are no do-overs, all of the choices we make can become our most powerful teachers. What food we put in our mouths, how we treat our body, how we treat others. What do we feel like after we make those choices. Do we like how we feel? Are we proud of our decision? Does my choice cause me pain and anguish? Does my choice give me pleasure?
If we make a choice that hurts us, we can't go back. All we can do is learn from it. It helps us discover our deficits, and then we can choose a better alternative in the future. If we continue to make choices that hurt us, we need to look at ourselves and ask "why?" Why would I choose to eat fast food during lunch instead of taking a few minutes to make a healthy meal for myself? Why would I choose to sit at my computer all day and not spend 30 minutes of my day to move my body?
When you don't make choices that are good for you then you are giving yourself away. When you give yourself away, there is nothing left to care about. The problem with that is there is only one of you. When you're gone, nobody can replace you. And when it comes to putting a value on something, well if there's only one of you then let's just say you're priceless.
When we are in a healthy state, we love and respect ourselves. When we love and respect ourselves, we make choices that are beneficial to us and ultimately to those who love us. So when you open your eyes each day, take a long deep breath. Feel the breath bring life to your body. Love yourself. Treat yourself as you would the most rare and precious gem on earth. After all, you are.

Phyllis Smith is Founder/CEO of Rejuvecise: Finding tranquility in every day life. She is a Yoga Instructor and Wellness Coach in the Dallas,Texas area. Contact Phyllis at to learn more about how she can help you discover tranquility in your life.