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Just Be...

Kids know how to "just be." The have the innate ability to simply be present in the moment. Left unto themselves they will find ways to entertain themselves with whatever is around them, without thinking about what comes next. They find tranquility in each moment.

Of course, as we get older we take on more responsibilities because people expect more of us. We go to school, work, have a family, and "me" time diminishes. That tranquility we felt as a child is lost, but not forgotten.

It doesn't have to be that way. For me it's mindfulness activities like yoga, meditation, and a nature walk with my dogs brings me back to tranquility. That state of flow where time has no place. I stay tuned into my breath, keep my mind in the moment, and tap into my spirit where I can find joy and inner peace.

When those tranquil moments come to an end, and they eventually do, it can be challenging to maintain that mindfulness while I’m busy working and doing my daily activities. Mindfulness is also called meditation in action. That means we don’t need to be sitting cross-legged and in one spot humming a mantra to meditate. We can meditate as we go about our daily lives. When we brush our teeth, shower, drive in the car or talk with another person. We are completely present in each moment of our lives.

When we meditate in action, we are not only clearing our head, but we are truly living. We are living as if that moment is the last moment of our lives. It teaches us to be grateful for being alive. With that, we choose to take care of ourselves and live a more healthy life. So as you go about your day, learn to "just be." If you’re mind wanders to the future or begins to judge you for all that you haven’t done that day or in your life, find your breath and tap into your spirit. You can't see it, but it's always there welcoming you home. Absorb the moment and learn to appreciate the finer things in life.


Phyllis Smith is Founder/CEO of Rejuvecise: Finding tranquility in every day life. She is a Yoga Instructor and Wellness Coach in the Dallas,Texas area. Contact Phyllis at to learn more about how she can help you discover tranquility in your life.


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Phyllis Smith

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