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Don't Like the Thought, Change the Channel

Graphic head with words fear, doubt, sadness, anxiety and guilt and hand holding tv remote control towards head

To create any kind of change in our thoughts, feelings, and behavior, we first need to be aware of what we're thinking, feeling, and how we're behaving. I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to be so self-aware that I spiral into the rabbit hole of thinking that can suck the joy out of the moment. Even when I'm in a calm, positive headspace, I'll make a note of it in my mind, and down the rabbit hole I go.

So, I have a new method I've been using that seems to help, and perhaps it will work for you as well. When I find my mind wandering to negative, destructive thoughts that distract me from the present moment, I first take a deep cleansing breath. Then I silently tell myself (and sometimes say out loud when nobody's looking!), "Change the channel." This means switching the thought and replacing it with a different thought that brings you joy, calm, and peace.

It's not enough to be aware. Yes, that is the most important first step. But once you train your mind to be self-aware, taking action is step two. Having an arsenal of mindful tools empowers you to take control of your response to any situation and create the experience you desire.


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Headshot of blog author, Phyllis Smith

Phyllis Smith is the Founder/CEO of Rejuvecise. She is a Yoga Instructor and Well-being Coach in the Dallas, Texas area. Her mission is to help people create a life of tranquility and well-being in their daily lives. Contact Phyllis at for a FREE 30-minute discovery call today.


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