The Power to Heal a Divided Nation
The elections have left many feeling either powerful or powerless. The victors hold the most power, while the defeated feel weak. Winners have all the control, and losers feel crushed and hopeless. It's been the great unequalizer and has greatly divided our nation.
Ultimately, we are all just human beings sharing the same planet, with the need to survive and the desire to thrive. The pursuit of happiness is our inalienable right, equal for all.
I invite you to reconsider the concept of power. Think of power TO rather than power OVER. The power to listen, truly listen, to others with respect and compassion, the power to choose our own personal and professional paths, the power to love ourselves and others, the power to select thoughts and feelings that lead us to positive outcomes.
Our view of power can be the great equalizer. It can shape how well we thrive despite our differences as we share the same space and time. As humans, we each have unique life experiences, cultures, needs, and desires. But beneath it all lies the one thing we all share: our "higher heart," where only love and the power to heal exists.
Accessing our "higher heart" can start with the mind. Our mind can deceive us, leading us to destructive places. Yet, we have the power to choose the direction of our thoughts.
The mind has been described as the brain in action. It encompasses our entire being. What we think, we feel. What we feel guides our behavior. Connecting our mind with our "higher heart" creates balance and harmony. Just as a chorus is comprised of individual, unique voices, it's the harmony that creates the magic of music.
Controlling our mind begins with self-awareness. As you go through your day, observe your thoughts and feelings. Simply notice them without judgment. Once you observe, the mind no longer holds power over you. You have the power to adjust and align your mind with your "higher heart." To Love.
Other ways to "change your mind" include conscious breathing and mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga. Just a few deep breaths can provide the calm and clarity needed to adapt. Mindfulness fosters self-awareness of the present moment, giving you the power to choose your desired path.
I firmly believe that loving-kindness is a natural part of each of us. As the Beatles famously said, "All you need is love." We all possess the ability to love wholeheartedly, and it is through this love that compassion is found. This is the key to healing a divided nation of human beings.
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Phyllis Smith is the Founder/CEO of Rejuvecise. She is a Yoga Instructor and Well-being Coach in the Dallas, Texas area. Her mission is to help people create a life of tranquility and well-being in their daily lives. Contact Phyllis at for a FREE 30-minute discovery call today. (Services offered both in-person and online)